In June, 1969 while I was in a Hotel in India, the Holy Spirit spoke so strong to my heart concerning opening Bible Institutes in other nations of the world, at that time my brother and I had 2 Bible Schools in India, but the Holy Spirit gave me the instructions about the kind of Bible Institute, the subjects, the students we were to reach and the idea of having vocational classes in the afternoons. I knew this Bible School would be a reality, what I didn't know was that it would be ten years later before this vision would take place, but I kept this word in my heart.

In 1978, Lynn and I founded Word of Life Bible Institute (Instituto Bíblico Palabra de Vida) to train men and women in the Word of God and for the ministry. In the beginning we didn’t have much. I was the director, maintenance guy, driver, teacher and Lynn was teaching and buying groceries and cooking for the students.

The first session had 13 students from the city and from some small towns around the area. In those days we didn’t have our own buildings, we rented different places in the city.

Our passion is to win the souls for Jesus Christ. During each session, the students have the opportunity to hold different crusades doing almost all the hard work and minister to people. In every crusade souls are saved, bodies are healed and lives are changed and the Name of JESUS is Glorified. They also have the opportunity to go out with some of the ministries of Word of Life and practice what they have learned.

For more information you can visit our web page:

Today it’s a completely different story. Through the years the Bible School has grown in number and recognition. We have dorms and the classrooms, installations and the rooms for the vocational classes, we have a complete team with more than thirty five people, including teachers, administrative, cleaning, cooking staff and vocational teachers.

As a result of this Bible School many churches have been raised up all over México to proclaim the Word of God and win the lost.

Each session students from all over Mexico come for six straight weeks of classes. For many years we offered vocational classes in the afternoon, but this year we have changed the school. Now we only have one session for 6 weeks and the students have classes in the morning and afternoon. At night they are in services.